Lifelong health and wellbeing
Signature Better Aging
To succeed, to be beautiful, active and vital... The constant pressure at work, in private life and leisure time often lead to chronic stress which accelerates aging.
OBJECTIVE: You will create a customized treatment program together with your treating physician to invigorate your body and enhance your regeneration and self-healing abilities.
This program is designed for a minimum stay of 7 days and can be extended for 10 or 14 nights. It includes the following services:
- Initial medical examination
- Epigenetic test and analytical evaluation of the quantitative and qualitative body composition
- Measurement and evaluation of the Body Mass Index (BMI - body composition: fat tissue, lean body mass and muscle and percentage of water)
- Intestinal microbiota test
- Oxidative stress and antioxidant potential test
- Nutritional advice
- Final medical examination to discuss goals, progress and results
- 3 therapies to purify from heavy metals
- 3 healthy bowel therapies
- 1 IV Therapy Detox
- 1 IV Therapy Energy
- 2 NanoVi Treatments
- 6 biothermal treatments to reactivate the organs (55 min.)
- 3 Cellgym® sessions (40 min.): Intermittent Hypoxia–Hyperoxia Training (IHHT)
- 2 individual lessons with a personal trainer
- 12 hours* of individual treatments of your choice based on medical advice
- 2 antioxidant food supplements of your choice and based on medical advice
- Free transfer from and to Bolzano for those traveling by train or plane
- Diagnostic results
- Summary of treatments and therapies performed
- Prescription of maintenance therapy and dietary advice
- Personal trainer’s individualized schedule for physical follow-up at home
Package price: € 5.900
*1 hour = 1 session = 50/55 minutes.
NOTE: The above-mentioned program does not include accommodations.