Sur la bonne voie pour votre bien-être

En quelques clics, vous pourrez bientôt profiter des excellentes prestations de notre Villa Eden. Envoyez-nous simplement les dates de votre voyage, nous nous réjouissons déjà de vous offrir un séjour exceptionnel.


Longevity Medical Center

Corps. Esprit. Harmonie.

Au Longevity Medical Center, nous cherchons à atteindre un équilibre idéal entre le corps, l'âme et l'esprit, dans le respect de la nature qui nous entoure pour rétablir un rapport fusionnel. Nous rendons tout cela possible à travers des traitements et des parcours de santé d'une efficacité extraordinaire, préparés par l'équipe médicale en synergie avec nos experts en bien-être et en fitness.

“The quality of life is more important than life itself…”

Alexis Carrel

Les parcours personnalisés – brefs ou hebdomadaires – préparés par l’équipe de Villa Eden, spécialisée en médecine préventive et en longévité, se traduisent par un cheminement vers une remise en forme et une beauté authentique, qui soit une image réelle du moi intérieur. Quelque soit le problème à affronter, nous mettrons toutes nos compétences à votre disposition pour assurer un excellent résultat.

Medical Check-up and diagnosis

Natural ageing processes, stress, lack of exercise or sleep problems are just some of the negative factors that can lead to a lack of energy in the cells, reduced performance, chronic degenerative diseases, lowered immune defences and allergies.
All cells in the body can be trained and thus allow for greater performance. Cellgym® offers the benefits of staying at high altitude in a simple and relaxing way without the side effects. Hypoxic training trains our bodies to withstand low oxygen conditions, activating a series of biological reactions that are very beneficial to our bodies.


Cellgym® is synonymous with hypoxia-hyperoxia interval training (IHHT).

It is a scientifically validated method which, through the skilful and expert alternation of breathing oxygen-depleted and oxygen-enriched air, produces considerable benefits for the body, ranging from mitochondrial renewal to improving the efficiency of the immune system and much more.
 It is set up individually for each person, respecting their physiology and characteristics to achieve the best results with maximum safety.
The hypoxic training takes place in a relaxed state throughout the session.

The following benefits are obtained through this training:

  • Increased mitochondrial regeneration
  • Improved fat burning
  • Improved sleep
  • Increased ability to reduce stress and increased resistance to stress
  • Reduction in inflammation
  • Increased physical and mental performance
  • Strengthening of the immune system


Ideal for everyone, 2-3 sessions of 40 min. per week are recommended.

NanoVi technology, through the patient’s inhalation of a continuous flow of nebulized water, which carries a bio-identical signal aimed at stimulating the body's natural activities to repair cellular damage, is designed to improve cellular efficiency and reduce oxidative stress. Combining it simultaneously with intravenous infusions exponentially enhances and amplifies the benefits of both treatments.

Specific medical treatments
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