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With sustainability and awareness

VILLA EDEN is respectful of the environment

The health of our planet is also close to our hearts and we want to take care of it on a daily basis: we strongly believe that safeguarding the environment we share is the first step to respecting the well-being of each person.


If at VILLA EDEN we pursue the achievement of authentic harmony, we wish to do so with full respect for nature, because the quality of life is in close connection with the surrounding environment. This is why, in order to personally commit to the safeguarding of the planet, we have signed a sustainability manifesto, which provides for even greater attention to the reduction of plastic, to the local origin of the ingredients used in the kitchen, and to the conscious use of energy resources. In order to reduce consumption, we are also renovating several areas of our Retreat and adopting targeted measures.

Ecological resources

We rely on renewable energy sources for our energy supply, e.g. electricity is produced by hydroelectric plants with low environmental impact.

Energy saving

Resources are precious, so we pay the utmost attention to their management, avoiding waste and excessive consumption thanks to a controlled heating system.

Sustainable irrigation

We have installed tanks to collect rainwater, so as to recover it to water our secular park without wasting drinking water.


Reuse and recycle are daily actions as simple as effective to protect the environment, allowing a virtuous management of waste.

Ingredients at 0 km

To make the dishes of our restaurant we choose only products of local origin from trusted suppliers or directly from our organic garden.

Reduced consumption of meat

The menu of the Mindful Restaurant does not include many meat dishes; the meat used, in any case, comes from controlled farms in the region.

"I think having the Earth and not ruining it is the most beautiful form of art could ever exist."

Andy Warhol